Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Can M-Commerce Ever Take Over E-Commerce?

Google Android, which was released by the Mobile Consumer Lab and Mind Commerce, claimed that they can re-create the success of Japan's "Wireless Ecosystem" model within the context and realities of international mobile markets. It claims that it can compete some other platforms such as Symbian, Windows Mobile and MontaVista. However, how many of us do really rely on a mobile phone to carry out business by using wireless or bluetooth or even 3G? Not to mention whether Google Android will be successfully accomplishing the goal by mid-2008 or not.

source from:

What makes e-commerce through mobile phone still not popular in the e-commerce world? Will it be able to compete with E-Commerce and overtake the E-Commerce, becoming the newest business trend around the world?

From my opinion, i do believe that people nowadays still rely much on the computer, or perhaps, they are more comfortable to be sitting in front of the computer, where they can check on their business status every minute and every moment while for mobile phone, only certain places where 3G or wireless is available, they can go online to check for their business status. It is less flexible and less convenient.

Another problem is the screen size of the mobile phone. How many percent of the mobile users will actually browse through some website through a small scre en of their mobile phone? Even with the screen size of a PDA's, it is still comfortable to look at the computer monitor. Survey had been carried out on how mobile user think about having WAP and results are shown below.

source: Network World Inc.

source: Network World Inc.

However, M-Commerce does have some advantages over the E-Commerce. For example, mobile ticketing can be carried anywhere with only one click on the mobile phone. Mobile also makes payment and banking system easier over the network as long as user can access to the network. With more mobile softwares introduce in the market, i personally do think that M-Commerce will be a successful in the coming years and it might take over the E-Commerce as well. So how do you think bout that statement?

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